Monday, August 31, 2009

Fair Quilt

This is the only quilt that I took a picture of at our fair. They hang most of them in an odd folded way so you can only see a sliver of the quilt. This was a small wall hanging near the edge of the room. I don't know if you can really tell the scale, but look at the size of the ribbon and the hanger. That's a regular hanger, like you'd put your skirt on. Those little hexagons are about the size of your fingernail. Crazy, huh?
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  1. Wow! Look at that detail! What a beautiful quilt. I love looking at that sort of stuff at the fair. Thanks for sharing, Lisa.

  2. LOOOOOOOOVE this. I'll need a new pattern for when I finish the disappearing nine--are hexagons hard? :)
